Category Archives: News

Open Letter to Bush and Ahmadinejad

The International Council of Concerned Mediators (ICCF) is drafting a letter to US President Bush and Iranian President Ahmadinejad to be sent in January 2008. The letter will call for direct and good faith negotiations without preconditions between the USA and Iran to address outstanding issues such as security in Iraq, Iran’s nuclear development activities, and the Middle East peace process. The focus will be on bringing the importance of immediacy, procedural equity and ownership, accelerated

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Scientist Searching for God in the Brain

Recent research by neuroscientist Mario Beauregard of the University of Montreal attempts to pinpoint what happens in the brain during a ‘mystical experience’. Dubbed ‘neurotheology’ or ‘spiritual neuroscience’, this new line of inquiry may marry religion in a science in a way that could make it possible to make people’s lives "happier, healthier and better able to concentrate". Read the full Scientific American article, Searching

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Octogenarian Entrepreneurs recently recognized "8 over 80" entrepreneurs for staying in the game well past traditional retirement age. From Andrew Weil, the oldest entrepreneur in America at 106, to Lisa Gable, inventor of the Strap-Mate, these men and women have embarked on second careers and made running a company their ‘new’ retirement. Find out why 80 is the new 30, and watch the 8 over 80 videos and slideshows of early Boomers who are still calling the shots. 

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International Conflict Resolution Day

The third Thursday of October marks the second International Conflict Resolution Day. The World Mediation Forum and the Association for Conflict Resolution co-sponsored the first event. At the same time last year, the International Coalition of Concerned Mediators (ICCM) presented a Call to Action at their annual conference and began working to create a global community of like value-minded Alternative Dispute Resolution professionals and members

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AARP Calls Congress to Act Responsibly

Congress is attempting to stop drastic cuts to payments to Medicare
physicians. If approved, the cuts could force more doctors to leave the
system, making it more difficult for older Americans to have access to
healthcare services. Instead of raising Medicare premiums, they are
looking at legislation passed by the House of Representatives that
would reduce excess payments to private insurance plans in Medicare. Full story

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Mindless Media

I am having a hard time finding anything good to say about the news
media in North America these days. I hate to think this, but perhaps I
am becoming a curmudgeon. For example, I was impressed by the rapid
coverage of the tragedy in Minneapolis with the bridge collapse. Within
minutes of the occurrence, CNN, NBC, FOX and CBC were ‘on it’. We had
heard about all there was to hear within a few hours, and then we
witnessed some pretty good coverage of the rescue efforts.

going into

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Objectifying Arabs

I, like a lot of us, am disturbed by the whole global state-of-affairs,
especially terrorism. I am also disturbed by how well intended
“pass-it-on” letters can fuel the polarization of views in our nation
and fan the flames of intolerance and mob hysteria. It’s all driven by
fear of course, and as Roosevelt said, “The only thing we need to fear
is fear itself”. How true today.

The “this-is-worth-reading” item that triggered this response was a
letter-to-the-editor by an airline

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