Tag Archives: scams

Twitter Scams

Beware the latest form of employment scams: Twitter-style. Con artists are now using the popular micro-blogging site Twitter to lure people desperate for work into work-at-home schemes. Many of these schemes used to focus on making money by sending emails or by placing Google ads. The latest variation is a promise to make money working at home on Twitter. Companies like Easytweetprofits.com and make-money-on-twitter.com (associated with TwitterProfitHouse.com) promise from $250 a day to $5000

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Work at Home Scams

For those who are recently laid off or retired, working at home might seem like the answer to your financial problems. However, the Federal Trade Commission reported in 2007 that about 2.5 million Americans fall for work-at-home scams every year. Here are some of the most common types of scams:

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