Tag Archives: richard_leider

An Abundance of Choices

By Jim Selman | Bio

There are increasing numbers of theories and formulas for aging well. As far as I can tell, these fall into a number of categories that pretty much all revolve around the central question of “What do you want to do?”  This is not a question that my grandparents spent much time thinking about. Even my father’s generation is more focused on the question of what needs to be done.  The question of  “What do you want to do?” is a modern question that comes with the fact that we have so many choices coupled with a somewhat self-centered fixation on ourselves as individuals—the ‘me’ generation. I know very few people who aren’t working on this question.

For example, consider that in the area of health and fitness alone there are hundreds of diets, exercise regimens, spas, and new age therapies (not to mention the entire medical establishment). How do we know what will be best for us? When you don’t know what to do, you can always hire a coach. The same abundance of options appear in the areas of where we live and our lifestyle. Do you want mountains, seashore, urban landscape? Even on a daily basis, we are confronted with

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Out of Africa: Part 1

By Jim Selman | Bio

I’m on a two-week adventure to Africa, spending time with Elders from the Hadza tribe, one of the oldest hunter-gatherer clans on the planet. The trip is billed as an "inventure" led by Richard Leider to shine a light on the opportunity and intentions of this trip to touch us personally and focus on our development as Elders in the context of our society and our times. More about that later….

We’re about half-way through the trip, most of which has

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Back to the Rhythm

By Jim Selman | Bio

I am returning from an experience I didn’t expect to have. I have just come back from being on a two-week safari in Tanzania with Richard Leider and a group of 7 other men between 55 and 70. Richard is a consultant, author and leader in the field of “Positive Aging” and has been leading groups to Africa for many years. We were going on both an adventure and what he calls an “inventure”—a deep and reflective journey

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By Jim Selman | Bio

I am getting ready to fulfill one of my dreams. I have always wanted to go to Africa, but for one reason or another it was always too expensive, too far away or the opportunity just didn’t click at the right time. In March, I will be going and I am both excited and a little anxious since I am not quite sure what to expect. As I watch myself preparing, I realize that the best part of getting ready is that I don’t know what to expect—and that is the good news.

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