By Vincent DiBianca
Like many, I’ve heard both sides of the ‘Cooking and Freezing in
Plastic’ debate. A good friend recently sent me an email warning of the
dangers of “microwaving and freezing food in plastic containers”
accompanied with supportive research. Another friend responded by
saying that the ‘authorities’ (including the FDA and Johns Hopkins
University) say that Rubbermaid®, Tupperware®, plastic cookware and
food wrap sold for home use have been thoroughly tested, only tiny
traces of a plasticizer have been found, and even that is not an
endocrine disrupter. This set off a productive dialogue about
who to believe about what.
friend who is a prominent bio-chemist and clinical physiologist says
the impact of synthetics has a major impact on compromising the immune
system. (He contends that contrary to some reports, leaching from
microwave cooking has been proven to occur in virtually all plastics
and whether the plastic touches the food or not). Ugh!
I give little credence to much of the mainstream position on health and
well-being. Unfortunately, doubting our ‘authorities’
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