Category Archives: Uncategorized

Meeting My Shadow: The Inner Ageist

By Dr. Connie Zweig

A child of the 60’s, I bought into the trope of never trusting anyone over 30. Then over 40. Then over 50….uh-oh….I began to realize as I aged that I was becoming one of them, a member of the group that I rejected — those old people.

I was in denial, banishing “the old woman” into my shadow, and thereby rejecting my own future self.

After all, we are aging in an anti-aging culture. And most Baby Boomers, like me, want to

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Don’t Take DeBait


As we approach the upcoming first debate between Hillary and Donald, few expect much beyond more spectacle and another news cycle in this already tedious media frenzy that is revealing the dark side of our collective consciousness just about everyplace we look.

We can see the unbelievable shallowness and hypocrisy in the media. We’ve become trapped between propaganda machines, cynical exploitation of psychopathic ranting or manufactured partisan scandals that would garner little more than

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2015 – Have We Hit Bottom Yet?


It’s now the time of year when everyone seems to be doing recaps of what happened in 2015 and making resolutions or predictions for 2016. I usually like these efforts and look forward to being reminded of all that has occurred and the speculations of what lay ahead. This year, however, is different. Our challenge and my message is that if we’re going to have next year be better than this one, we need to get beyond thinking in terms of a ‘good year’ or a ‘bad year’ and

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Is there a ‘good’ side to climate change?

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I am in Paris and the UN Climate Change Conference is in town along with 50,000 delegates and more world leaders in one place than at any other time in history. This shows up as ‘factoid’ in most of the media but it might be worthwhile to pause and wonder how this could happen. Even the Climate Change deniers should ask themselves, can this many leaders and all the information they have at their disposal really be in some sort of conspiracy’? Given they can’t agree on anything

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Middle Class Meltdown


Fareed Zakaria recently did a special on CNN about the state of the American Economy. Various pundits and experts were engaged in the question ‘If the economy is growing why aren’t we seeing more jobs for the middle class’? It’s a good question and reveals a startling but obvious revelation: Business isn’t interested in creating jobs — in fact, business would like to eliminate as many jobs as possible! The idea that what is good for business is good for the economy because it

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For some reason I have been feeling acutely connected to people I am encountering these days. In addition to my friends, family and others I know, I am observing all sorts of people – on the street, providing services, working in stores. It is as though I am more ‘present’ to them individually, and more conscious of who people are and the uniqueness of each one’s lives. We all are in pretty much the same soup — working, raising families, dealing with problems, dreaming, and dealing

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