All posts by Jim Selman


I guess everything starts somewhere. This is my first ‘blog’. I’m
still getting used to the local jargon in these here parts. I see the
‘blogosphere’ as the perfect place to share my ideas about age and

Actually, this isn’t the beginning of my interest in and commitment
to do something about the culture of aging that we all share. It has
been a kind of hobby of mine for a long time. And now, as I approach
65, it has become more of a mission.

am clear that, in North America

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Send Us Your Pictures

Have you taken a photo that captures the essence of ‘growing older’ in a positive light?

If so, we’d love to talk with you.

We’re committed to filling this site with images that demonstrate ‘growing older’ can be a beautiful process and that people can be enlivened and inspiring at any age. If you’d like to share your photo(s) with us, please fill out the Comment area below with your name, email address and a brief description of the photo(s) you’d

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What’s This?


A feed is a list of ‘entries’ of related items of information. It is a way to syndicate web content that is commonly used for blogs and news headlines.

To see a list of entries from the Serene Ambition blog, click on the name of a feed in the FEED ME list. 

If you have an Atom newsfeed reader or aggregator, you can easily subscribe to receive our newsfeeds.

Click on the

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Serene Ambition is about what we can do, and more importantly, who we can be as we grow older.

In 1979, I was designing a marketing seminar targeted to ‘seniors’.
I believed that everyone at every age is basically afraid of dying and
was working within that assumption. I interviewed a number of people,
mostly in their 70s and 80s, and began to see that, after a certain
point, they weren’t afraid of dying at all. They were, however, afraid
of dying without

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     Jim Selman | Photo Credit: Tony Perzel

I am a middle-aged guy in the process of creating the
rest of my life. I am very committed to not getting sucked into the
historical/cultural conversation of what it means to grow older and
what is and isn’t possible as we age. I want the rest of my life to be
more interesting, more challenging and more fulfilling than anytime in
my past—and my past has been terrific.

I have had a pretty good run so far—a great family,

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Kevin Brown

Kevin Brown is an independent management consultant with over 25 years of senior management experience in the information
systems industry, specializing in the utility and banking sectors. Kevin has served as director of the Edmonton Capital Region Housing
Corporation, vice president of the board of directors for the Edmonton
Street Performer’s Festival, president of the InfoCity Technology
Festival, and chairman of the board of his local church. He currently

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Send Us Your Stories

Inspirational stories can make a difference in someone’s life.

That’s why we’d love to hear yours. If you have a story about growing older that you would like to share, just enter it in the POST A COMMENT space below and then click the Post button at the bottom of the page. We’ll post it in the "Inspiration" section of this site after we’ve reviewed it.

If you’d like to submit your photo with your story, you may email

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Sharon Knoll

  Sharon Knoll has been working to support and empower people most of her adult
life. She began in the early 1980s as a volunteer for The Hunger
Project and offered transformational workshops and seminars as a
volunteer. She was one of the earliest members of Transformational
Technologies and has been committed to making a difference in the lives
of people with whom she has worked. Her interest in aging was
highlighted recently in her sponsorship of

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Recommended Reading

Here are a few more books we highly recommend. Click on a title to
be redirected to where you can search inside and/or order the book.

Aged by Culture
By Margaret Morganroth Gullette

The Ageless Spirit
Edited by Connie Goldman

Claiming Your Place at the Fire
By Richard Leider and David Shapiro 

From Age-ing to Sage-ing: A Profound New Vision of Growing Older
By Schacter-Shalomi, Azlman & Ronald S. Miller 

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