All posts by Jim Selman

Depression and Self-Discovery

By Stu Whitley | Bio

what is to be done about depression? Much the same, I think, as
rediscovering the rational self in a time when emotions hold sway. Not
an easy task, but it’s done all the time. One disciplines oneself to
think. The brain is exercised through reading, or better yet, writing.
Journaling is a powerful tool to self-discovery, and one doesn’t need
to be a Joseph Conrad to diarize one’s thoughts. What better way to
explore the inner

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Souls II

We had another meeting of the Old Souls group—my buddies from over the years who get together every few months to share our lives and experience as we grow older. We’ve been at it since 2001 and it is a special opportunity not only to be with friends, but also to have the kind of reflective space that empowers each of us in our own lives. The wife of one of our members marvels at how rare it is to find a group of men who are willing to be so open, vulnerable and supportive.

I have belonged

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Elder Co-Housing

Co-housing initiatives began in the 1970s in Denmark. Elder co-housing projects are the latest take on this popular type of  housing development. With an emphasis on cooperative living arrangements, these projects allow like-minded people to live in an intentional community of their own creation. The idea is that individuals have their own living areas, but share common facilities like dining rooms and kitchens. Developers often allow residents to help plan and design the common areas. The

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By Don Arnoudse | Bio

is a vitality, a life-force, an energy, a quickening that is translated
through you into action. And because there is only one of you in all of
time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never
exist through any other medium and be lost. The world will not have it.
It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable
nor how it compares with other expressions.

It is

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Fear of Dying

By Rick Fullerton | Bio

For much of my life, I have had a private conversation about dying. It began as a young child, probably triggered by overhearing my parents talking about people fighting cancer or other scary diseases. When I was 12 and our family doctor knocked on the schoolroom door, my first thought was that he had figured out I was going to die. I was shocked to discover he had come to tell me my father had died of a heart attack at just 53. I was devastated! Our family survived, mainly due to the strength and resourcefulness of my mother, along with a supportive extended family and local community. As for me, I learned to deal with my fears mainly through my internal conversations. Never as I child did I talk about this secret and only rarely in later life. Yet looking back, it is possible to see how this fear of dying influenced many of my life decisions and shaped the person I am today.

got married when I was 21—much too young according to my Aunt Laura!
But my wife and I were anxious to get on with raising a family. No time
to waste seeing the world or pursuing idle interests! In those days of
single incomes and stay-at-home moms, my role was clear and I was
determined to provide for my family. Duty called!

As life’s
milestones passed, my conversations about dying changed. At 30, I was
apparently in perfect health—no evidence of cancer,

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Is It Possible to Over Commit?

I heard a friend saying that they were ‘over committed’.  I got to thinking that this is a common notion and one that we rarely question.  Is it possible to over commit?   I can understand being busy.  I can understand not being competent to fulfill a commitment.  I can even imagine that I have made commitments that seem to conflict, although other than being able to be in two places at the same time, most of the conflict is in how I am thinking about it.

One of

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The Plastic Brain

By Shae Hadden | Bio

The other day a friend mentioned a term I’d never heard before: neuroplasticity.
So I looked it up on Wikipedia (yes, click on the link and you can go
there too) and was amazed to find out that scientists are now proving
that our thinking can actually change our brain anatomy.

challenges the conventional wisdom that specific brain functions, such
as speech and vision, are located in a
specific cortex (or center). The traditional medical

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Being 21 in the 21st Century

   By Lauren Selman | Bio

I was walking through beautiful San Francisco yesterday, humming
to myself and thinking, "Wow, I’m 21 in the 21st century." And then I

  • What does it mean to be aging with time?
  • What does it mean to be getting older with each century that passes?
  • How am I part of the "next generation" as well as being a witness to the upcoming generation?
  • What is it like to be a teacher and a student?

As I pondered on where to start, I, like Alice in her mysterious Wonderland, began at the beginning.

What does it mean to be 21?

am no longer a teenager and people are beginning to look at me more as
an ‘adult’. At this point in life, I can legally go to the bar and

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