All posts by Jim Selman

Legacy Leeches

By Jim Selman | Bio

I read an article recently describing what can only be described as a ‘feeding frenzy’ over the name and legacy of Nelson Mandela—one of the great leaders of our generation. This isn’t different from the kind of greedy infighting between family, friends and constituents that happens far too often when patriarchs become unable to manage their own affairs or simply die before the family is aligned

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Is Time Running Out?

By Jim Selman | Bio
It seems to me that there are three fundamental relationships that we all share as human beings:  1) our relationship with ourselves and other people, 2) our relationship with our circumstances, and 3) our relationship with time. When we are inflexible or stuck in habitual ways of being in any of these areas, we become trapped in a condition from which we cannot extract ourselves: we are caught in a

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Lake Kiowa

By Jim Selman | Bio

The Fourth of July is a uniquely American holiday. This weekend, I felt a little bit like I was a part of a Bill Geist segment on small town celebrations on CBS’s Sunday Morning show. My father is a World War II veteran. He joined the Army Air Corps in 1939 and retired after a career in the military in 1968. Yesterday, the community of Lake Kiowa, Texas honored him and 31 other survivors of the ‘greatest generation’ for their contribution.

It was a very moving experience

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The Four Horsemen

By Jim Selman | Bio

I was playing a trivia game and had to answer what the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are. I got three out of four, but had to go to go to Wikipedia to get them all: War, Famine, Conquest and Death. These traditional Biblical symbols mark the ‘end of time’, when all things are put right and presumably all karma is erased and this journey will be complete. In researching each of them, I learned that ‘conquest’ is best translated in today’s language as ‘corruption’.

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Resentment & Disappointment

By Jim Selman | Bio

Resentment and disappointment are two of the most unproductive
(if not counter-productive)

moods we can have.

Resentment kills relationship. It is a mood that has embedded in it an accusatory frame of mind that someone or something is ‘against’ what we believe or want and will continue to be a threat in the future. Resentment is a mixture of fear, anger, lack of responsibility and entitlement that the world be the way we want it to be. Disappointment is pretty much the same,

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