Barbara Corcoran, weekly real estate contributor to NBC’s Tonight Show and columnist for the New York Daily News, with Warren Berger, recently published an interesting book about finding out where you belong in the next act of your life. Nextville: Amazing Places to Live the Rest of Your Life offers readers a "Happily Ever After" real estate quiz that helps determine the types of lifestyles and environments that might support you in "becoming your best self". Based on test results, readers can choose specific sections of the book to focus on (for example, pursuing passions, living young, living green, forming a new community, aging in place). Boomers who are interested in living somewhere where they can
be involved as activists or volunteers will find the information about voluntourism, a way of
taking a vacation trip and doing local volunteer work at the same time, and social entrepreneuralism helpful. From ruppies (Kyle Ezell’s term for retired urban people) to zoomers (retired Americans living abroad), Nextville offers a brief assessment of 100 unique locations to live both inside and outside the U.S. A great book to jumpstart your thinking about "Where next?"